capa do livro MATRIZ SELF - The entrepreneurial Execution Compass How to avoid business mortality

MATRIZ SELF - The entrepreneurial Execution Compass How to avoid business mortality

Fábio Nery


When faced with the problem, man either accepts it and tries to understand it or rejects it and ceases to think about it. If he welcomes it, he perceives the reality as it is, taking responsibility and having the right to choose to fix or discard the error, keeping what is right, developing new skills, seeking the good and becoming free. By rejecting it, he hides reality by not thinking about the problem, shifting the error onto the other, falling into fanciful imagination, procrastinating decisions, not taking responsibility. Alternatively, it is his free will to discard what is right, keep what is wrong, feed the evil, and remain imprisoned in it. Being aware of these behaviors, we create a matrix capable of identifying their actual biological capacity and needs (objective) and intellectual reasons (subjective) to embark on an entrepreneurial career. Thus, we avoid situations where people with no entrepreneurial skills decide incorrectly, allowing them to improve their deficiencies and develop their potential before starting their own business. Arrogance is what causes rejection, and this is our most harmful feeling, whereas humility is what makes us accept, and this is the noblest of sentiments. They are both formed by the absence or presence of love in our lives. In the hierarchical system, we often evaluate the leadership, its competencies (skills), needs (feelings), conditions, and understanding because we are constantly undergoing technological and behavioral changes in the current times. We must, therefore, have a very high capacity for adaptation, discarding what is no longer helpful, keeping what is useful and adding the new. Otherwise, we fall into intolerance and harm ourselves.

  • Páginas: 106
  • Encadernação: Brochura
  • Ano da edição: 2022
  • I.S.B.N.: 978-85-7142-134-9
  • Cód. barras:
  • Altura: 21,0 cm
  • Largura: 14,0 cm